Movie Madness Tournament: Horror Vote In

In March, ScreenAge Wasteland will have its first annual Movie Madness tournament to determine the greatest movie of the 2010s.

Similar to the NCAA March Madness tournament that starts with 64 teams and ends with one winner standing tall, SAW is going to have 64 of the best movies from the past decade battle it out.

The great thing is you, the wasteoids, will be able to help determine the winner by voting in the matchups!

First, however, we have a bit of business to take care of as we five spots left open in the final field of 64. The other entrants were determined by an intricate scoring system to generate the best of the best, but there were a few that were right on the fringe that all made strong cases to make the tournament. We are opening up that voting to you to help fill in those final spots.

Below are horror films of the past decade that were on the cusp of making the tournament. Vote once for your favorite and check back on February 17th to see which movies made it into the final spots.

Horror Vote In

* Voting ends January 26th at 7pm cst.

Author: Vincent Kane

I hate things.