Movies to Stream | December 2023

Ahhhhh, December. A time to look back and reflect on the year that was. And also a time to take extended breaks from school and work and kick back with family. But as we all know, the holiday season and family time can be exhausting in their own right. Which is why we’re recommending taking a break from your break with the following movies available to stream now on Netflix, Prime Video, Max, Hulu, and Disney Plus.

Netflix: Catch Me if You Can (2002)

It’s a shame Leo DiCaprio and Steven Spielberg haven’t had another collaboration since Catch Me if You Can because the two are obviously a great actor/director combo. The DiCaprio/Hanks cat and mouse game is delightful and kinetic. Great familiar faces pop up along the way, John Williams’ score is a fun little bop (no surprises there), and the pacing is breezy and engaging. There’s a lot to love about this movie. This Steven Spielberg guy knows a thing or two about making movies. That feels like enough of an endorsement to check this movie out.

FOR FANS OF: The Aviator; The TerminalAmerican Hustle

Prime Video: Babylon (2022)

Babylon was probably one of the most divisive movies of 2022. Many found it bloated, overindulgent, and unfocused. Others swear it’s an under appreciated cinematic masterpiece that will find it’s deserved audience years later. I fall somewhere in-between the two camps, but I lean more towards this being a movie worthy of at least one viewing. The bombastic nature is quite alluring. The chaos is fun. And the three leads are all captivating. Block off 3 hours and be prepared to go on a wild ride.

FOR FANS OF: La La Land; Singin’ in the Rain; Boogie Nights

Max: Strange Days (1995)

Kathryn Bigelow has some amazing movies in her filmography and there’s no reason for Strange Days to not be discussed among some of her higher profile works. It sits in a unique time and space of 1990’s cinema, and reflects an interesting turning point in the decades sensibilities and curiosities. The cast is absolutely stellar and the film feels like a unique departure from the rest of Ralph Fiennes filmography (he’s still incredible in his role). However, it’s the always amazing Angela Bassett and the late great Tom Sizemore who end up stealing the show here.

FOR FANS OF: Blade RunnerTerminator 2: Judgement Day; Point Break

Hulu: A Haunting in Venice (2023)

Kenneth Branagh is really, really, really digging doing this silly French accent as Hercule Poirot. At first, I thought it was kind of weird that he kept going back to the well of Agatha Christie stories instead of focusing on making films with a bit more of a “prestige” status. However, after seeing A Haunting in Venice you realize why he keeps doing it. Murder mysteries have a built in entertainment factor and Branagh appears to have a deep appreciation for this character and these stories. After seeing this, you’ll realize Branagh should continue making one of these movies every other year for the rest of time.

FOR FANS OF: Murder on the Orient Express; Glass OnionClue

Disney Plus: Jingle All the Way (1996)

I figured I could put one Christmas movie on the watchlist for December. Jingle All the Way often gets lost in the shuffle of lists of movies to revisit around this time of year. But it’s a great relic of 90’s. A time when Arnold Schwarzenegger transitioned from action movie star to a family friendly star who could entertain audiences of all ages. It was also a time when Sinbad was one of the funniest people on the face of the planet. Throw the two together and you’ve got one of the most fun Christmas movies of the last 30 years.

FOR FANS OF: Home Alone; Predator; A Christmas Story

Make sure you check out all of these awesome options and let us know what you think. Also, be sure to let us know the best hidden gems you’ve streamed recently. Share in the comments and help us expand the list!

See you next month!

Author: Raf Stitt

Brooklyn based. Full time movie fan, part time podcaster, occasional writer. Follow on Twitter: @rafstitt