What Streaming Shows Do You Want to See Get Physical Releases?

Our mission at SAW is to foster conversations about this thing we all love (or love to hate): film/TV. Many of our features are designed with you in mind. Your opinions, to be more to the point. You have ’em. We want to hear ’em.

Question of the Day (QOTD) is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a film/TV-related question that we put to you, the reader. The comments section below is like the feedback box at work; except, in this example, we actually read what you write and care about what you have to say.

With Disney and 20th Century Studios set to release streaming exclusives Loki, The Mandalorian, WandaVision, and Prey on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray for the first time, I began to wonder (and hope) that this will be the beginning of the end for streaming exclusives. For one, it never made much sense. I get wanting to make audiences have only one place to watch an expensive project, but after 2+ years there’s no reason to not shove that on physical.

With so many excellent shows made for streaming that have yet to receive physical releases, the question I ask today is: what streaming shows do you want to see get a 4K UHD/Blu-ray release next?

My answer would be a complete series release for Stranger Things. I know Netflix released the first season (or two) on Blu-ray, but I need a complete series. Netflix is increasingly becoming one of my least-watched streaming services, so if they would put my favorite shows on Blu-ray, it would make it a lot easier to cut the proverbial cord. I know they won’t for that very reason, but it would make me happy.

Otherwise, I would love Only Murders in the Building to get a complete series release once it wraps up (whenever that may be), as well as the rest of the MCU/Star Wars shows.

So what about you, screenagers? What streaming shows are you hoping will head to physical next?

I’ll see you in the trenches.

Author: Marmaduke Karlston

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute Doc, uh, are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?"