Which Movie Feels Like it Could’ve Been Made By a Different Director?

Our mission at SAW is to foster conversations about this thing we all love (or love to hate): film/TV. Many of our features are designed with you in mind. Your opinions, to be more to the point. You have ’em. We want to hear ’em.

Question of the Day (QOTD) is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a film/TV-related question that we put to you, the reader. The comments section below is like the feedback box at work; except, in this example, we actually read what you write and care about what you have to say.

There are a lot of directors with signature styles, and some movies feel as if aped them without intentionally trying.

So, the question I ask today is: Which Movie Feels Like it Could’ve Been Made By a Different Director?

Adventure in Babysitting (1987) feels like a John Hughes movie. Considering it stars a group full of kids who get into a wacky adventure, it’s easy to see the connection. Both he and Christopher Columbus eventually went on to collaborate on Home Alone (1990), which is probably where the comparison is coming from.

So what about you, screenagers? Which Movie Feels Like it Could’ve Been Made By a Different Director?

I’ll see you in the trenches.